Thursday, December 4, 2014

On 8:30 AM by Yvette in , ,    No comments
Check this out.  Why?

It's another example of how society wants to define something that they don't get to define.  Yes, it may have been hard for her family to accept her the way she saw herself, but the reality is that "he" was a "she" and not amount of make-up or changes to hair can change that.

This article makes me think of babies who are born with two types of genitalia and the practice for several years was for doctor's to simply pick a gender and make the necessary assignments surgically.  The idea is that gender is only about body parts, that it has nothing to do with the soul or what "feels" right to us.  People who've been brave enough to challenge their own biology have made it clear that this thinking is flawed.

What's the take away? As a nation we shun things like arranged marriages because people should be able to choose to be with someone who they feel right about being with.  We don't have to defend why we don't want to marry one person, but do want to marry another.  However, what happens when someone feels something much, much stronger, like the sense that inside they're a female though their biology is make?  We try to discount those feelings because of our own discomfort.  

Bias is not just about race.  It's about so much more.


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