Monday, November 17, 2014

On 5:00 PM by Unknown in , , , , ,    No comments

I came across this picture a couple of months ago online and I thought it was priceless. Not priceless as in hilarious,  just...invaluably accurate. Although, not all of us are circles.This, of course isn't just limited to circles, I'm sure further down the wall there were some triangle holes and square holes,  maybe even some nonagonal holes, but the point is, it takes a certain quality to get past certain "walls."

These qualities are what we call privilege. Unlike in this picture,  it isn't so blatantly obvious who has what privilege, but I believe that it boils down the concept of privilege and some basic no no's pretty well.

Insisting something is easy is one of the worst ways that we can impose our privilege on others. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how hard you work or how confident in yourself you are. You will always be a triangle, and that hole will always be circular. There is nothing more aggrivating than having somebody insist that, regardless of your qualities or the issues you face in your life, you have the ability to simply walk through any obstacle in life as if they were tailor made to let you pass. It's like saying every person in every financial situation can afford to buy a house, or that anybody can get married without any issues, or that under every employer equal work means equal pay. None of these are true, but so many times we find ourselves slipping up by assuming that things are as easy for everyone else as they are for us.
Be mindful of who you are and what you say to others, because the cruel reality is that we don't have equal opportunity across the board. That's the basic concept of privilege. 

Sometimes that's a little hard to get, but I feel as if this comic does a really great job of simplifying it so I had to share.



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