Sunday, January 18, 2015

On 7:30 PM by Unknown in ,    No comments

This spoken word poem is proof that we are not beyond racism. The fact that people feel the need to act a specific way because of their race is not only heartbreaking, but shameful evidence that stereotypes affect people more than we think they do. Being smart or ignorant, cruel or kind, honest or dishonest are traits without color. Becoming who we are is never a matter of breaking or adhering to a stereotype. Many like to think this is common sense, but too many are caught unknowingly making assumptions about people they will never get to know. As this poem demonstrates, these assumptions are hurtful and contribute to the greater issue of racial bias that has been especially prevalent in recent events. If we were more mindful of the assumptions we made based on race, could we maybe see these negative effects dissipate? There is no straightforward answer, but it certainly is food for thought.


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